Be it your first solo trip, first pet, first festival, first love, first bike, first paycheck, first stage, first snowfall, first heartbreak, first business or whatnot! Your firsts are what make it count!
Your life itself is an accumulation of firsts. The ones you’ve experienced, are experiencing, and are yet to experience.
Though it may not be your finest, all firsts stay close.
A rush of excitement and terror together.
A loop of thoughts and questions.
A blend of “should I” and “do I.”
A flurry of seeking opinions.
And, BOOM!
It alters your life one way or another. Don’t you think?
I’ll always cherish my first trek for some reason. I’ve never felt more excited and scared at the same time. Over the fear of booking tickets impulsively, accompanying Internet friends I’ve never met, the unfamiliar language, the strangeness of giant mountains, and the surge of running worst-case scenarios. The best part? I decided to take my shot and it turned out to be one of the most special ones!
Basketball will always have a special place in my heart. I was more inclined to sports as academics were never my thing. At school, I started playing basketball and grew my interest in it. I had always been sceptical about my height, and it wasn’t until I started playing I realised it didn’t matter. People asked if it was possible to play despite being short. Yes! Height’s just a bonus!
The joy of publishing my first blog was unmatched. It took me months to battle the ‘What-ifs’ and finally hit the publish button. Imagine the regret if I hadn’t published it and let my fear win! I still think about it.
All your firsts may not always be merry.
Some can be daunting and unsettling.
It was complete chaos the first time I failed my math exam back in school. I had all the fear to return home and get it signed. Pheww, I didn’t have to do it; my teacher already told them over the phone! Now, imagine the rest! Haha, it’s funny now looking back; I promise it wasn’t while I was living it!
The first on-stage dates back to kindergarten. Unlikely the Teachers, Doctors, and politicians, my parents took me this surge to dress me up as a coconut tree climber for the fancy dress. The crowd in front made my mind blank. A week of self-intro practice went in vain, and all I did was stand for some time, cry on the mic, and run backstage. Still got claps regardless!! Also, a third for my costume choice, haha! Now that’s a win!
Regardless, firsts are all something to keep hold of—a record of things you’ve lived and experienced.
The first time you tried bungee jumping, went camping or attended a concert. Isn’t it all a savoured moment?
Your first attempts are always to be treasured.
Something to hold special in your heart.
Be it a child taking their baby steps, someone elderly trying the escalator for the first time, the sight of a beach for a person, or someone being hugged by their parents for the first time.
Become an avid fan of embracing firsts—regardless of witnessing someone else experience it or yourself experiencing it.
Remember, everyone had their firsts in something someday!
Let your fear of being seen as stupid flip to the other side.
When you get a chance, take the plunge and go for it.
The best thing? To try and figure things out.
You never know what doors it might open.
When was the last time you did something for the first time?
You’re awesome for making it here! <3
If this hits home or sparks a memory, I’d love to know it! 💌
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My first time in Paris… this past January. A series of mishaps…more humorous in recalling than the experience was in person. I can say I was there… I have the refrigerator magnet and stamp in my passport to prove it! 🙂
My first time posting on Substack was such an amazing feeling. I was coming from 10 years of food blogging, and had been hating myself for quitting it for quite awhile. My blog was doing perfectly fine, but burnout led me to just throwing in the towel completely.
For 2 years I was in a frozen state, hating myself for not doing anything about my blog. Then I discovered Substack and realized that maybe I could pursue my lifelong dream of writing for an audience. It gave me hope like no other. And the first essay I posted was about why I quit my food blog. I was so nervous, yet excited.
I was starting something new, while also giving myself a final closure on that chapter of my life. I finally, truly forgave myself once I clicked published on that post. Which led to finding a wonderful community of people, who did not judge me for all the mistakes and errors I had made. The mistakes that I had driven myself crazy over.
So for me, posting on Substack was an amazing first, and I will cherish it forever.